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Op deze pagina hebben wij foto's gepubliceerd van onze reis naar Parijs. Misschien staat u op een van de foto's of wilt u een hoog resolutie versie: stuur ons dan een e-mail.

Onze reis naar Parijs: 1425 kilometer gevaren in 258 motoruren en 258 sluizen en nog enkele bediende bruggen.

We bedanken graag alle belangstellenden, passagiers en mede waterweggebruikers voor de fijne trip die we met jullie hebben kunnen maken. We zijn blij dat er voor deze eerste grote reis al zoveel belangstelling was. Zonder u had deze reis nooit zo succesvol kunnen worden. We zien u graag op een van onze korte reizen of de zomertoer van 2008 terug.
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We vertrekken uit Heijen met als eerste plan: de auto inladen.
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De oude sluis van Born is jaren dicht geweest maar wegens onderhoud aan de andere kolk is deze nu open en raast er lekker op los.
Foto 4

De Belgische grens met de hoge sluis van Ternaaien.
Foto 5

We komen de stad Luik binnen.
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In de buurt van de sluis van Seilles troffen we deze trieste aanblik.
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Van Grand-Malade tot Dinant varen we op met de Macte-Animo (hou moed, bijt door). Best aardig vaarweer: niet te warm, niet te koud.
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Afgemeerd in Givet om alles klaar te maken om voor het eerst met een neergelaten stuurhut door een tunnel te gaan.
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We liggen in de sluis vlak voor de tunnel van Ham. De stuurhut is al geklapt, we kunnen dadelijk door de tunnel. De sluizen zijn hier nog 5.60 meter breed dus we hebben de gelegenheid om te oefenen voordat de 5.00 meter sluizen komen.
Foto 10

We naderen de tunnel van Ham. De tunnel lijkt van hier nog mooi rond maar schijn bedriegt. Na een meter of 10 wordt het ruw en ongelijk. Een brede stuurhut kan gemakkelijk schade oplopen.
Foto 11

In blik vanuit de tunnel vooruit.
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In de tunnel van Ham. Het is duidelijk te zien dat de wanden niet recht omhoog gaan. Met een hoge stuurhut heb je hier een probleem. In de tunnel zie je verschillende soorten gesteente en er drupt water uit het plafond.
Foto 13

Op 15 juni 2007: afgemeerd in een van de vele sluizen die we moeten passeren.
Foto 14

We liggen in Fumay afgemeerd op onze spudpalen wanneer Mon Desir, een Nederlandse spits uit Leeuwarden ons kalmpjes voorbij gaat. Ze zijn net als wij bij Oranje Verzekeringen aangesloten dus ze moeten voorzichtig varen :-)
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Geplande bestemming voor vandaag is Charleville dus we negeren de voortdurende regen.
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We hebben de stuurhut weer omlaag gedaan voor de tunnel van Revin. Die tunnel is ruim dus misschien was het niet zo nodig geweest maar we nemen het zekere voor het onzekere want het is niet veel werk.
Foto 17

De sluiswachter heeft laten weten dat er nog een spit aan komt die we het beste in de sluis kunnen afwachten. Seveso loopt helemaal door tot in de hoek zodat wij makkelijk voorbij kunnen.
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We liggen een nachtje in Charleville-Mezieres. We hebben hier vermoedelijk de enige plaats in Frankrijk gevonden waar je pal tegen de kant aan nog teveel water hebt om op de spudpalen te meren.
Foto 19

Bij het binnengaan van Canal de Ardennes krijgen we deze informatie voorgeschoteld.
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Dit is de eerste 5.10 meter brede sluis die we passeren. Achter ons ligt de Maas. Wij vervolgen onze reis via het Canal de Ardennes.
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Afgemeerd in Pont a Bar aan het begin van het Canal des Ardennes.
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Vanuit de sluis kunnen we de volgende tunnel in kijken.
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Een tunnel in het Canal de Ardennes. Luxe doorvaart met een looppad aan beide kanten.
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Op het Canal des Ardennes komen we Macte-Animo weer tegen. Deze keer komt die geladen terug richting Maas.
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We liggen precies op schema afgemeerd in le Chesne. Water en electriciteit zouden hier beschikbaar moeten zijn maar vandaag werkt het even niet.
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In Le Chesne laden we de auto uit en scouten de omgeving.
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's Morgens vroeg in Attigny passeert Roquette ons.
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Op 20 juni 2007 meren we na een kort tripje af in het stadje Rethel.
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Wat precies de bedoeling van deze sleep was, weten we niet. We kunnen bij de bocht mooi in het vrije hoekje duiken en vervolgen onze weg. De mensen op Brazza keken niet zo blij.
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Op 21 juni 2007 komen we na een wat langere dag varen in Berry-au-Bac aan. We zien hier relatief veel spitsen voorbij komen.
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Zowaar baggerwerken in het kanaal. Spits Tenace wordt vol slip gebaggerd. De passage verloopt soepel want Tenace ziet ons aankomen en draait even rustig aan de kant.
Foto 32

In Presles vinden we een mooi plekje om af te meren maar het is niet erg diep. We meren op de spudpalen en maken wandelingen langs de nabijgelegen l'Aisne.
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We vinden hier een oude ansichtkaart van deze plek.
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Deze sluis heeft 3 paar deuren. De middelste deuren worden door beide sluizen gedeeld.
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De 23e juni 2007 liggen we in Soissons, een stadje in het district Picardie met 30.000 inwoners. We liggen hier vanaf vroeg in de middag en eten lekker bij "Chez Raphael".
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En zelfs in Frankrijk vinden wel eens aanrijdingen plaats.
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De sluizen in de l'Aisne zijn wat groter dan op het Canal des Ardennes.Dat maakt de passage wat makkelijker.
Foto 38

24 juni 2007: Na slechts een paar uur varen vonden we en mooie ligplaats in Vic sur Aisne. We zijn dus maar gestopt en geloven het verder wel voor vandaag.
Foto 39

Van de l'Aisne gaan we door op de l'Oise. Zowel de rivier als de sluizen zijn een stuk groter. We komen in een storm aan die recht tegen de stroom in waait. Een heel verschil de kanaaltjes van de laatste dagen.
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We have not been here since 1994 so we didn't really know any moorings. Maxance was a positive surprise. Lot's of space and comfortable mooring. Even a baker in the neighbourhood.
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The church of Maxence.
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Auvers is the place where Vincent van Gogh died and lies burried. We found a good mooring here with plenty of upportunity to scout the area. We could even get our car out here.
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Artists like this village.
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Vincent van Gogh was borne in the dutch villages Zundert.
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A statue of Vincent van Gogh.
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Comfortably moored at the banks of l'Oise.
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We have a day to spare in our schedule so we stay over in Auvers and take the car to Paris to check out Bassin de Vilette.
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Two DBA barges are passing the first lock on Canal St. Dennis.
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The 28th we try to get as close to Paris as possible. We head for Bougival. The Seine at Conflance is another size upgrade. From gooing downstream to upstream is another change but the current is not too bad.
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A stack of peniches.
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Vivante is calmly gooing upstream. Last time we where here with our 40 Hp Lister diesel, we travelled at these speeds but now it's tempting to follow commercials in their speed.
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Bougival is supposed to be the last good stop before Paris. You're never sure before you see it of course, but is was quite all right.
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Moored in Bougival for the last night before entering Paris.
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The crew on the foredeck.
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We are just passing a barge on the Seine when a convoi sails backwards from one of the ports.
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June 29th 2007. We are approching Canal St. Dennis from the Seine. Three British barges are already waiting before the lock. We wait in line.
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In the lock together with Anneter and Avontuur.
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The last lock (5th on the canal) we have to pass is a double lock with quite some space in between. It looks very special.
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Entering this cave like lock.
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We are moored in Basin de la Vilette (quai side, 3rd barge) with some 60 other barges. Most of the barges originate from the Netherlands, most owners are British. We'll have three day's of fun and games with the DBA now.
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Tam and Di Murrell start with a barge and rope handling demonstration.
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The barge handling competition took place in the end of la Vilette.
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Vechtlust is participating the barge handling competition.
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Andy Soper is addressing us during the dinner cruise.
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Dinner cruise overview. The food presented was good but maybe not enough to satisfy this hungry bunch.
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Dinner cruise overview.
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During the dinner cruise the winners of the barge handling competition and the best kept barge get there liquid prizes.
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From monday a group of barges is leaving every day. This is la Chouette leaving.
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July the 5th 2007: now it's our time to leave Paris.
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Inside one of the city locks in Paris.
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Some of the bridges are between the locks and we thought this to look like the cars are driving on the water.
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We are moored inside the tunnel to allow the bateaux mouche to pass.
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We have to wait at the beginning of the tunnel until the Bateau Moche is passed. There she comes.
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A view of us sailing inside the tunnel.
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The tunnel has many airvents. These make that the air in the tunnel keeps fresh and the light looks great.
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The round shapes of the air vents.
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We just left the tunnel and we are sailing through Port de Pleasance de Paris-Arsenal with the wheelhouse still down. We put it up at the next lock.
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Emma, Katie and Vigie from de Libertijn van Alphen on the bridge in Port de Plaisance de Paris-Arsenal.
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We leave Canal St. Martin through the marina and enter the Seine.
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The Seine and all the bridges.
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And of course we have to prove that we have been in Paris.
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The locks on the Marne are supposed to be big so we look forward for some relaxed entering but in the fist lock we still have to squeeze in.
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The first night on the Marne we just mis the lock of Neuilly so we have to stay over here. Not to bad but we have to fiddle a bit to fit.
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The first real good mooring when gooing upstream the Marne. We see several DBA members here.
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When gooing downstream, the lock at Meaux is the beginning of a long canal. We met peniche Babytonga here. Last time we saw them was on our very first testdrive in Den Bosch.
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This quai in Meaux doesn't have all the facilities of the marina but we found it very convenient.
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Green water and green trees. The Marne has many faces.
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The locks are very close to the current.
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With all that I've seen floating about, I don't know about diving in the Marne but one time it must have been oke.
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Hidden behind an island we found this nice mooring. Quit, water, electricity, nice weather (but I understand that will be over soon) and even deep enough.
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We decided to stay for a day.
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We came across this narrow boat on the Marne.
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We are moored in Chateau Thierry.
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You can visit the ancient castle on the hill behind Chateau Thierry. The view is worth the climb.
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We are moored in Chateau Thierry and have unloaded the car to drive to Epernay.
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An overview of the Marne neandering through the Champagne.
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These locks are not very popular with yachts. It has been made easyer by building these pontoons.
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We didn't continue on the canal but on the last bit of the river that is navigable. Approaching the champagne city Epernay this way, this landmark becomes visible.
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We are moored in Epernay. Champagne houses everywhere here. We visited Castellane.
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We all had a good afternoon while sightseeing in the cellars of champagne house Castellane in Epernay.
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All sizes of champagne bottles are at display at Castellane.
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It is now july 12th 2007. We are moored in Conde sur Marne. We have just left the Marne and will continue on Canal l'Aisne aux Marne.
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Canal l'Aisne aux Marne is a quite canal that we enjoyed sailing.
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Lock 23 at Coupe on Canal l'Aisne aux Marne is broke. It cost us 1 1/2 our. An employee of Service Navigation came to manually operate the hydrolic pomp.
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Above the entry of the Mont de Billy tunnel the Service de Navigation has a nice office.
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A view inside Mont de Billy.
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Overview of the port of Sillery. Great and cheap for yachts. Barges are probably not liked very much: they pay 10x as much.
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We spent july 14th in Sillery near Reims. The celebrations consists of a BBQ.
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A match of petanque for the locals.
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And French line dancing.
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And great fireworks.
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Passing Reims. We could have found a place to stay but we have been very close in Sillery.
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The last lock for today. Peniche Carthage is already waiting at the other side.
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We where told that this is a good restaurant but alas, it is closed on sunday's.
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It's gooing to be very warm today so we choose to make it a short trip today and relax under these trees in Variscourt.
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We wanted to go somewhere else than Attigny for a change so we moored at this quit place in Givry. The crew of Fiducie came over for a drink.
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We came back through the lock chain today and again we looked voor another place than the usual le Chesne. We ended up in Casinne.
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A nice quit mooring.
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The entrance (in our case the exit) of Canal des Ardennes is marked by this big tree.
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The active rowingclub of Charleville.
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The weir is quit far away from the port but it's a nice walk around the island.
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There is maintenance on the bridge of Charleville-Mezieres. Only a small gap is left for boats to pass and this yacht makes it even smaller.
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Just upstream Revin is this weir and lock.
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We arrive quite early but the nice port of Revin is full. It's raining all the time so we decide to moore on our spuds. With the gangway in place, this is actually quit comfortable. The yacht Admiral from Bees-Namur is also looking for a place to stay. Non of the yachts responds so we invite them over.
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Inside view of the Revin tunnel.
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Near Fumay we met Nilaya, one of the Paris DBA ralley participants.
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Fumay is a nice little village in the north of France. You can see their church from a distance.
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Like this we hardly stick out between the yachts in Fumay. Today the weather is actually quit nice.
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After 7 weeks France closes here doors to us. It has been a great trip and we still have a while to go but this feels like goodbye. Partir c'est mourir un peu.
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We have followed the Maas downstream to were the river Sambre joins here.
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In Liege moeten we weer wennen aan snel, druk en groot.
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Since a few years the old basin of Maastricht is open for yachts. We've never seen a 30 meter in there but we'll give in a try.
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We cannot turn in the bassin so we cross it to the other side to leave through the old monumental lock.
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And we found that is fits.
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The ever changing grafity art in Maastricht.
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The marina in the old bassin has nice restaurants on the quay. The weather didn't cooperate but apart from that it was a nice stay.
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We lower the wheelhouse to pass under the bridge that leads to the other exit.
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On our way through the canal that leads to the lock.
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This turn looks even narrower that most French passages.
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This is the monumental lock that leads to the Zuidwillemsvaart. It is the end of our 2007 Paris charter.